Breeder Referral
Our Breeder Referral experts will lead you
to Reputable Breeders.
The Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States is here to help you find a reputable and experienced breeder. Please contact our Breeder Referral experts: Suzanne Placer at or 337-278-5346, or Mary Ann Roma at or 267-261-4084.
They know of club members who have puppies or older dogs to place. Keep in mind that all WFTCCS members have agreed to abide by the club’s code of ethics. Read through that code to know what you can count on when you buy a Wire from one of these breeders.American Fox Terrier Club Rescue: There are many Wire Fox Terriers that have found themselves in Rescue, sometimes through no fault of their own. Some already are housebroken and may easily fit into a new home. Others do need special care and require a patient, loving owner to overcome unhappy beginnings. A few may be retired show dogs (spayed or neutered) that are available to families. For information on helping Fox Terriers in need in your area, please contact: Sheila Thulin at
In general, there are often more families hoping to find Wires than there are available. Here are some tips to help you in your search:
Be patient. Unless you are very lucky in your timing, you may have to wait for the right dog or puppy to come along. After contacting breeders, decide which one you would most like to work with and get on their “list.” If their anticipated litter does not have exactly what you want, they will usually be happy to help you find a Wire from another reputable breeder.
Do your research! Be familiar with what Wires were bred to do as those instincts are still very much a part of them. They have a strong chase instinct and are mischievous. If something really interests them they may run through an “underground” fence line or out the door and into the street. They benefit from classes and training but need positive training with lots of variety. They become bored easily with repetition. You need a sense of humor to own a Wire. They are not like a Golden Retriever or a Border Collie!=
Put some thought into your list of what you hope to find in your new Wire. Do you have an active life style where the dog will lead an active life too? Would you be happier with an easy-going Wire that will mainly be a house dog? Does it have to be a particular sex? Keep in mind that families that will take either a male or female have a better chance of getting a puppy from an anticipated litter. Would a well-mannered adult Wire be a better choice for your than a puppy?
Be honest about your situation. Do you live in an apartment or condo where the dog will be walked on lead? Do you have a fenced yard or another enclosed area? How many hours a day might the dog be left alone? How many people live in the house and what are their ages. Do you have other pets? Wires may or may not get along with other animals and most do not exist peacefully with dogs of their same sex.
Be prepared to answer lots of questions from the breeders you contact. They are not being nosy. They really want to get to know you and the more the breeder knows about you, the better able he is to make a great match with a Wire for you. You should also feel free to ask many questions of the breeders. He should remain a resource for you as long as your dog is alive and many families form wonderful relationship with their Wire’s breeder.
The members of the Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States
wish you luck with your search.
We love our breed and hope you will find our website to be a good resource!